Rethinking the Ars Liberalis, Again
Sixteen years ago, the editors and community at Snarkmarket created a book called New Liberal Arts.
Here’s the pitch:
It’s 2009. A generation of digital natives is careening towards college. The economy is rebooting itself weekly. We have new responsibilities now—as employees, citizens, and friends—and we have new capabilities, too. The new liberal arts equip us for a world like this. But… what are they?
The 2009 New Liberal Arts:
- Introduction by Tim Carmody and Robin Sloan
- Attention Economics by Andrew Fitzgerald
- Brevity by Gavin Craig
- Coding and Decoding by Diana Kimball
- Creativity by Aaron McLeran
- Finding by Dan Levine
- Food by Gavin Craig and Theresa Mlinarcik
- Genderfuck by Laura Portwood-Stacer
- Home Economics by Jennifer Rensenbrink
- Inaccuracy by Alex Litel
- Iteration by Robin Sloan
- Journalism by Tim Carmody and Matt Thompson
- Mapping by Jimmy Stamp
- Marketing by Matt Thompson
- Micropolitics by Matt Thompson
- Myth and Magic by Tiara Shafiq
- Negotiation by Matt Penniman
- Photography by Tim Carmody
- Play by Matt Thompson
- Reality Engineering by Rex Sorgatz
- Translation by Rachel Leow
- Video Literacy by Kasia Cieplak-Mayr von Baldegg
In 2025, is this project due for an update? An expansion? An elaboration? A renewal?
It just might be!